Monday, September 8, 2008

catching up on family history

Hey everyone,
Grandma has asked me to have everyone send in an updated family history sheet. This sheet would include new children (born within the past five or six years) and new events (marriages and sealings and baptisms, etc.
I will send an email to all Grandma's children/ and children in laws.
You can send these as an email to my email which is or if you prefer to write it down and send to Grandma via a snail mail that would work as well. Grandma and I were talking genealogy and we just need to update everyone's info. Thank you! Jenny


Syme Family said...

Who was suppose to send out the email to everyone that this existed? I never got it. I just happened to check Jeff and Monica's blog and saw this link. I think it is a great idea, but we need to get the word out!
-Leslie (Funk) Syme