Thursday, November 6, 2008


Hello Wilson Clan,

I just wanted to invite any of you that would like to view our blog to send me an email at and I will send you an invitation. Many of you already can view it, but we would like all of you to be able to see it since we have chosen to have it be a private blog.
Brian and Michele

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Clint Wilson is engaged!! He will be marrying a girl from his mission in Bulgaria. In fact, they were even companions! She was the only sister missionary sent there and so was always accompanied by two male missionaries. What a cool story! Her name is Aubrey and is from Orem, UT. Yes, she was the one at the family reunion this summer! (so she has already been inducted...) They will be getting married on Dec. 20 in the Provo temple. They will have a reception the night before in Orem and again in Broomfield on Dec. 27.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October birthdays!

Can you believe its October already?!! Please feel free to add anyone I forgot!

Laura (Lu) -------Oct. 4
Gene --------------Oct. 6
Bernadette -------Oct. 8

Juliana ------------Oct. 13
Rachel -------------Oct. 18
James --------------Oct. 21
Jason (Jenny's) --Oct. 23

Happy birthday to all!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

catching up on family history

Hey everyone,
Grandma has asked me to have everyone send in an updated family history sheet. This sheet would include new children (born within the past five or six years) and new events (marriages and sealings and baptisms, etc.
I will send an email to all Grandma's children/ and children in laws.
You can send these as an email to my email which is or if you prefer to write it down and send to Grandma via a snail mail that would work as well. Grandma and I were talking genealogy and we just need to update everyone's info. Thank you! Jenny

Friday, September 5, 2008

September birthdays

Well, no one has really been posting but I thought we could at least put up everyone's birthdays once a month. If you have a bday in September and aren't on the list, please add yourself cuz I'm sure I'll forget goes...
Troy (Sep 3)
Doug (Sep 5)
Cleone (Sep 5)
Grandma (Sep 6)
Tiffany (Sep 5)
Clint (Sep 13)
Michael (Sep 24)
Paul (Sep 29)
Joey (Sep 22)

Happy Birthday to all!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Peyton's first birthday party

Hello everyone! We are celebrating Peyton's first birthday! We will be having a little party at my parents house in Broomfield on Friday August 22 at 7pm. Cake and ice cream will be served and we'd love to see you there! Please RSVP to
Thanks and hope to see you soon!
-Colby & Rachel

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Grandma's 1st Blog

Hi Everyone,

That's quite the blog! I doubt I'll be able to get into it on my own computer. I would love to hear from all of you. I appreciate all of you coming to the reunion.

Love, Grandma

Friday, July 11, 2008

The New Newsletter

Here is the Wilson Family blog! Please let all family member know about it and save it to favorites so it can be viewed often. You should also be getting an email about the username and password to post your own messages. We hope this will act as the new age newsletter for the family to keep in touch. Everyone, please feel free to share your stories and events with all of us. There are also links on the side of other member of the family who have their own personal/family blogs. Be sure to check them out often from this site and link your posts to them if necessary.